Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. Carboxytherapy employs injections to infuse gaseous carbon dioxide below the skin into the subcutaneous tissue through a needle. It claims to kill fat cells, stimulate blood flow, improve the skin’s elasticity and reduce the appearance of cellulite although it has not been clinically tested nor approved by the FDA. It has also become a popular treatment for stretch marks.
The gas penetrates easily into the tissue causing a powerful extension of the micro-vasculature. This leads to an increase in blood flow, oxygen and nutrients in the area subjected to the treatment and to improved micro-circulation. For most patients the carboxytherapy performed at Exceldent (carboxytherapy Szczecin) in painless procedure, lasting a couple of minutes.
Application of Carboxytherapy:
- excess of body fat,
- dark circles around the eyes,
- intensive cellulite reduction,
- minimizing stretch marks (60-80%),
- elimination of deep wrinkles,
- restoring firmness and elasticity of skin of the face and body,
- reduction of double chin,
- strengthening and regenerating hair follicles and preventing further hair loss,
- increasing skin tone.

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Caroboxytherapy is ideal for any skin that needs rejuvenation. The most popular areas to treat are face, neck decollate and hands. Other areas include crepey arms, abdominal skin, thighs, especially over areas that have the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks
Caroboxytherapy is a very quick procedure, and takes between 10 and 30 minutes.
The CO-2 gas is infused using an incredibly thin needle, so the prick of the needle is felt, but this is minimally uncomfortable. The feeling of the CO-2 gas can give the sensation of ice cold, tingly warm or a slight pinch, and it differs depending on the area being treated. Carboxytherapy is uncomfortable but not very painful.
The tissues being infused with CO-2 gas swell up and this settles within 5-10 minutes. The area may look slightly pink after treatment. There is a chance of a small bruise at the prick sight, but these are small and not generally severe.