Microneedling Home Roller

The Microneedling therapy facial roller is a durable, high quality precision tool. The barrel and handle are made from lexan polycarbonate resin. The axle is made from polished stainless steel. The needles are made from surgical steel. The needles on your roller are specified at 0.2mm in depth which is designed for home use.

The Microneedling is indicated for management of ageing skin, wrinkles, acne scarring, abnormal pigmentation and stretchmarks.

  • Microneedling therapy home rollers last up to 6 months (If stored and used correctly)
  • Microneedling Therapy Rollers that have been dropped or bumped must be replaced immediately.
  • Never place roller on hard surfaces. Sterilise in a glass bowl lined with gauze or a cotton disc at least once a week.
  • After each treatment rinse under hot tap water and allow to dry before covering in protective case.
  • Home roller is to be kept in protective casing at all times.
  • Microneedling therapy rollers must not be transferred between clients. Discard rollers after each course of treatment (6 months)
  • Please consult with your therapist before changing products after dermal rolling. Not all products are suitable and may cause severe skin reaction.


  • Before you use your Derma Roller, make sure that you first thoroughly cleanse your face with your facial cleanser.
  • Rinse the Derma Roller head under hot running water before using it on your skin. This ensures that the needles are disinfected again just before use.
  • Roll area of concern by passing the roller in a horizontal direction on the area of concern 4-5 times followed by passing the roller in a vertical direction on the area of concern 4-5 times and in areas of concern you can roll in a diagonal direction as well.
  • Ensure to lift the roller between passes, please note dragging the roller on the skin will create lacerations.
  • Apply the recommended treatment serum to the area of concern once completing the rolling process and end with moisturiser.
  • Remember to wash your Derma Roller under hot running water after every treatment session.

Please call our rooms immediately if you are concerned on (011) 783-8289.

After hours, please call Dr. Melanie Lambrechts directly on 082 331 3939

Enjoy the result, and see you soon!